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What If You’re Not Ready Yet? (English Version)

Have you ever heard the idea of "We get something when we're ready"?

But at that time, I’ve questioned myself: "Am I truly ready to receive what’s coming?"

I believe it will come, but how far am I preparing myself for this chance?

"Am I the right person to lead this community focused on empowering and developing girls? Am I the right person to be a Champion of Muslimah Inspiring Undip and inspire others?"

Do you ever feel that fear, the doubt in our own ceiling?

If so, this piece is for you. You're not alone in coming this far.


It’s been almost a year since my last blog in early 2024.

Reflecting on the long journey, I’ve learned countless lessons that changed my perspective. One of my challenging moments this year was preparing for the final stage of Muslimah Inspiring Undip.

With limited time, mounting responsibilities, and only an hour of sleep before the last selection, I found myself overwhelmed.

"Am I ready for this? Can I do this with limited time?"

But if we see this case, what I learned from my own experience is that for me, not feeling ready can stem from different causes, like lack of preparation, facing the unknown, stepping far outside our comfort zones, and self-doubt.

The truth was, I didn’t feel full enough certain at that time. But I still showed up anyway. Not only questioning myself with those questions, but suddenly I ask myself, Why again? What is my purpose for going this far?

And the answer is, what kept me going was my reason and vision.

Even when doubt and exhaustion crept in, I reminded myself: This isn’t only about me.

This is about the vision I carry. The dream of empowering girls, creating collaborative opportunities, and inspiring others to believe in their own potential.

That belief in my purpose and support from my close ones helped me persevere and led me to becoming the champion that day.


If we talk about the Muslimah Inspiring Undip journey, it wasn’t about winning a title. From the very beginning, my purpose was clear.

I just want to expand the positive impact I could share with others and collaborate with other people and communities while I'm focusing on supporting girls to develop themselves and uplifting them through the BaekBarengan community.

You don’t need a title or a big platform to start support other people. It always can starts with small steps. Like encouraging someone, lending a helping hand, or sharing your knowledge. Simple acts but it often spark the greatest impact.

It made me realize that the real achievement lies in how we use our platforms to support or empower others, to collaborate, and to bring something positive for people around us.


When we invest in nurturing our own growth, the seeds we plant will eventually blossom.

But if we spend our time comparing our journey to others' achievements, experiences, or the support they’ve received, we may wonder, "Why aren’t we as lucky as them?"

Here’s the truth: our journeys are uniquely ours.

A garden doesn’t bloom all at once. Some flowers take time, but with care and patience, they flourish when the season is right.


Perfection isn’t the goal. The key is to stay genuine and true to yourself. Maybe sometimes we wonder why our lives don’t seem as wonderful as others’. But actually, everyone has their own challenges.

The future might feel unpredictable, but today is about planting seeds.

Every action we take, every bit of effort, learning, and growth is like watering those seeds. Over time, we believe it will happen, it will grow to so much more.

At the end, being ready isn’t about waiting for the perfect moment.

It’s about committing, dedication, and proving to ourselves that we’re worthy of what’s to come. Starting, growing, patience, and trusting the process.


You don’t need to be perfect to begin. You simply need to begin. Surpass fear, overcome doubt, and embrace the unique journey that is yours. Success isn’t defined by titles or recognition, but it’s about the impact you leave on others and the growth you achieve along the way.

So, what journey and lessons have you learned so far?

Cheers from your writer.

Indonesia, December 2024





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20 Year: To Build You by Hasna Hanifa | Personal Blogger Indonesia

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